lördag, november 22, 2014

Blowing up Aereo

Hot balloons, Aereo filed for bancruptcy.

Qoute from the article "Aereo had raised a total of $97 million, from investors that included IAC, Highland Capital Partners, FirstMark Capital, First Round Capital and High Line Venture Partners. Once again, it proves that raising a lot of money does not guarantee any kind of success." and no it doesn't but even more so; flagrantly breaking the law is even more damaging.

Why they thought it was possible to pick up licensed material over air and resend it without breaking the law, I don't understand. Even more when looking at the injustice of Pirate Bay founders in the most criminal of courts ever performed over copyright law.

So what Uber is now caught doing with privacy by using user data for their own purpose is like a fart compared to the tornado of Aereo. But I think Uber is going to be punished for their behavior, maybe not from a court of justice but from the people that will stop using Uber, or never will start.

Maybe I'm wrong but I believe privacy is more important to protect than copyright. Even if the legal system doesn't.

onsdag, november 19, 2014

oh Yay, oh yay, see the fully integrated sensoric OS is coming


Our existing OS's isn't good enough? What are you sayin'''`?

We are in a socalled Turning Point. Or I'd say a Turing Point. Just because the blockbuster Imitation Game with the illusive Cumberbatch is soon to enter the screens. Or not.

It's both turning and Turing.

 After a couple of years, or maybe more than 28, working with sensor based input systems to improve quality of Processes, I'd say it's both a turning point as we are entering the IoTT, Internet of Things Time. And it is also about Turing. He, the One big code cracker genius. He the thinker. The cracker. We as he needs to crack the code to what it means to get data out of a confusing, mostly encrypted, world of data.

So I launch the stupid idea of a new need. We need a new OS focused on sensoric networks and less on screens, battery and lousy haptic response to user needs. So let us all drop the OS's of the 90's we still live with (yes we do, research the subject of the origin of Android, Java and all the stupidity versions from Apple) and let us rejoice and chant for a new intelligent OS that can embrace human interaction. For real and not as an add-on. Now.


onsdag, november 12, 2014

Sacrifice Your King

This is purely a response to Chandler, any other purpose is hidden; even to me.

I agree on all terms. There is, was always, a kind of problem (in economical science we would call it anything from a success to disaster, has nothing to do with processes used or used ot be used etc, let's dive into that pit another day)  and the problem is Mind.

Get to the state of your Mind.
What is in Your Mind?
Right now?
15 seconds ago?
14 years ago?

You don't know.

So you respond with safety mechanisms.
In a critical moment you rely on old patterns inprinted into your brain many years ago.

The State of Mind.
What a nice  sentence, this is about You so do not feel comfortable. This is the question of Mind.

A Mind is an everchanging atomsphere of the essence of You.
That means that what you believe you think have no fucking connection to Who You Are.
Except in crisis.

Because in crisis we return to our self, The Self that is most dominatingly defined from year 0-6 and then either adjusted or disturbed to the age of 18. I'll give you a lecture on this another day since I have worked, analyzed and researched the field since 1987. So back of.

The Mind is a time and place projection of Your Self.

Let's move on.

In the meeting between People (what the hell is a definition of People?? Sorry..) in a process to define, design and construct a new product I think ( yes there are  more than me... be safe) that the Self is a driver and the Common Good is just something you/we could consider if we are in a situation when we are Safe ( big definition area...) then we can put resources onto someone else. sO Self is a tough individual one.

Going into a process of building something new that is a) cutting edge b) amazing c) disrupting or d) beyond grasp then we could put the people involved into many types of definitions.

The only ones I'd be looking for are Heroes. Doesn't have to be Marvel-size ones. Normal but abnormal people able to do the extra thing. One to a million times. So that boils down to the team assembly persons job.

So getting something amazing on to the market is actually about hiring the right team.

I'd go with the craziest people I could find.
But that's just me.

 And on the question why big company teams fail?

I don't give a shit.

söndag, oktober 19, 2014

Swedish search for submarines and the sensors they use

Today, or yesterday dep where you are, we saw the awakening of media related to undersea activities east of Stockholm archipelago. And the Swedish media goes "They are here!" and "we are going to kill it!" as it did every time the last 40 years we had the same indications.

But ask yourself. Is this that easy? Is this the "the best beats the rest!" kind of game?

Basics. The sensors the Swedish navy are using to detect activities are old style stuff dug up from the graveyard of Swedish naval intel tech suppliers and none of them have been at the forefront since, ever.
So the noice and biasis from the sensors are not good to say the least.
The intel from the previous generation of sensors gave "clear indication" on sub maritime vehicles back in the 90-ies when they couldn't differ from krill  shoals. And simpler.
That's what being tested right now. How good sensors are in Swedish naval intel is pretty much the standard of what is around the Baltics. Maybe even top of the line in this wet region.
So why not compromise it with the least available efforts (resources) and measure the temperature of the response by type of channel and response time?
I'd do the same.

Basic results?

Sweden suck at naval intel.

torsdag, juni 19, 2014

Penny Dreadful and Me

I have to confess. There have been very little change in my daily routines since the autumn of last year. We, me and the team/s, are occupied with various projects and I have a new hobby watching Penny Dreadful.
I know it isn't much. Working and watching TV. You probably know the drill.

Anyway. This particular TV-series is a misch-masch (thanks Stefan for the real meaning of this...) of all pop-cult either taking place in the last decade of the 19th century or actually written back then. With some exceptions of course.

But this is a great opportunity to explore the origin of exploration.
The six episodes of Penny Dreadful that is out are exceptional. And they talk psychiatric treatment, as it was back in the days.
Which is interesting as I have +25 years of experience from so-called modern psychiatric treatment, both from public and private practice.

Now you wonder. Did he experience that as a patient or..?

Well I will enlighten you all. In the next entry. I'd ask you to see Penny Dreadful episode 1-6 and then ponder where you see me in this.


måndag, mars 10, 2014

We have what you call a good Run

Getting from the stealth to go public is a critical stae of a startup. Somewhere we go from a unit of untold rules and common interests to a public "team" that is supposed to dazzle the world.

I came up with the name Ulocs about a year ago after 12 months of research in the area of which we kind of now rule. Feels good to rule. Again. I've been known to rule certain areas of expertise and now owning the space of Wearable Technologies is kind of, well, not surprising.
Ulocs is now bigger than Qubulus ever was (could tell you a couple of insiders on that=) somewhat less in performance of Emappz, way better than Goodway, Indirgo, Brimstone, and others. But in an essence, we are about to kill a dead beast, the so called Smartphone.